Indian Patent Office Grants Over 1 Lakh Patents in a Year

The Indian Patent Office (IPO) has crossed a historic milestone, marking a significant leap forward for the nation’s innovation spirit. For the very first time, the IPO granted a staggering over 1 lakh (100,000) patents in a single fiscal year, from March 15, 2023, to March 14, 2024. This unprecedented feat represents a growth of 21.4% compared to the previous year, translating to an average of 274 patents granted every single day. This data, as per the IPO’s annual report for 2023-24, showcases the immense breadth and depth of India’s growing inventive capabilities.

A Boon for Domestic Inventors and Entrepreneurs

This record-breaking number of patents underscores a growing awareness and interest in intellectual property (IP) protection among Indian inventors and entrepreneurs. A robust patent system acts as a cornerstone for fostering innovation by incentivizing research and development (R&D) efforts. Patents grant inventors exclusive rights over their creations for a specific period, empowering them to:

  • Recoup Investments: R&D can be a financially intensive endeavor, often requiring investments of up to ₹10 crore (USD 1.2 million). Patents ensure inventors can recoup these investments by granting them exclusive rights to exploit their inventions commercially.
  • Generate Revenue: Patents open doors to lucrative licensing agreements with established companies. The average licensing deal in India is valued at a significant ₹2 crore (USD 240,000), providing inventors with a substantial revenue stream.
  • Gain a Competitive Edge: Patents prevent others from copying or replicating an invention, giving inventors a crucial competitive edge in the market. This allows them to establish themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

Specific Sectors Leading the Patent Surge

The patent surge isn’t uniform across all sectors. Some key areas are witnessing a remarkable rise in innovation, including:

  • Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals (Over 17,500 Applications): This sector has seen a phenomenal 35% increase in patent applications. This growth can be attributed to:
    • Flourishing Biosimilar Development: With 6 patents granted in FY 2023-24, India is making significant strides in biosimilars, offering affordable alternatives to expensive drugs, potentially saving the healthcare sector over ₹2,000 crore (USD 240 million).
    • Focus on Indigenous Drug Discovery: The government’s allocation of ₹7,600 crore (USD 915 million) is reflected in a 20% rise in applications related to new drug discovery, signifying a promising future for Indian-made pharmaceuticals.
  • Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (Over 40,000 Patents): These sectors remain innovation powerhouses, with a combined share exceeding 40% of all patents granted in FY 2023-24. This trend aligns with India’s:
    • IT Prominence: Over 30,000 patents were granted in IT-related fields, showcasing India’s strong position in the global IT industry.
    • Focus on Emerging Technologies: Over 1,200 patents were granted in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and nearly 800 in Internet of Things (IoT), highlighting India’s growing focus on cutting-edge technologies.
  • Mechanical Engineering (Over 5,800 Applications): This sector has witnessed a steady rise in patent applications, with a 15% increase compared to FY 2022-23. This growth can be attributed to:
    • Focus on Automation and Robotics: A significant portion of patents granted in this domain are related to automation and robotics technologies, reflecting India’s growing industrial automation sector.
    • Emphasis on Indigenous Manufacturing: The government’s initiatives like “Make in India” are creating a fertile ground for innovation in areas like machine tools and production processes.
  • Chemical Engineering (Over 4,200 Applications): This sector has seen a 12% increase in patent applications. Key areas of growth include:
    • Green Technologies: A growing focus on sustainability is reflected in a rise in patent applications related to green technologies. This includes innovations in areas like renewable energy sources, waste management, and pollution control. For instance, a significant number of patents were granted for advancements in biofuel production and technologies for capturing and recycling industrial waste. This trend highlights India’s commitment to sustainable development and its potential to emerge as a global leader in green technologies.


The record-breaking number of patents granted by the IPO in FY 2023-24 paints a promising picture of India’s evolving role in the global innovation landscape. This surge not only signifies a growing domestic inventive spirit but also reflects a strategic shift towards sectors with high-growth potential. The focus on green technologies within the chemical engineering sector is a testament to India’s commitment to sustainable development. As India continues to nurture its innovation ecosystem and empower its inventors and entrepreneurs, we can expect even greater strides in the years to come. This focus on innovation has the potential to propel India’s economy, improve its global standing, and create a more sustainable future for all.

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