ANRF Act Provisions: A Closer Look

The Anusandhan Research Foundation (ANRF) Act is a landmark legislation that aims to transform India’s research and innovation landscape. The Act was brought into force on February 5, 2024 by the Government of India, fulfilling its commitment to make research and innovation the fulcrum of growth and development of the country.

What is ANRF Act ?

ANRF is a statutory body that will seed, grow and promote research and development (R&D) and foster a culture of research and innovation throughout India’s universities, colleges, research institutions, and R&D laboratories. ANRF will provide a high-level strategic direction for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the fields of natural sciences including mathematical sciences, engineering and technology, environmental and earth sciences, health and agriculture. ANRF will also have long-term effect, long term outcomes for each citizen.

How will ANRF Act function?

ANRF will be headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who will be appointed by the Government of India. The interim CEO of ANRF is Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST). ANRF will have a Governing Council, an Advisory Council, and several Domain-Specific Councils to oversee its functioning. ANRF will also have an independent Board of Trustees to ensure its autonomy and accountability.

What are the objectives of ANRF Act ?

ANRF has the following objectives:

  • To increase the overall public expenditure on R&D in India from the current level of around 0.7% of GDP to at least 2% of GDP by 2030.
  • To leverage additional funding from various sources including industry, philanthropy, endowments, and international collaborations.
  • To encourage private sector involvement in R&D by providing incentives such as tax benefits, matching grants, and equity participation.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research by creating cross-cutting thematic areas that address national priorities and global challenges.
  • To enhance the quality and quantity of research output by supporting excellence, innovation, and impact.
  • To create a conducive ecosystem for research and innovation by strengthening the infrastructure, human resources, intellectual property rights, ethics, and governance.
  • To foster a culture of research and innovation by creating awareness, appreciation, and aspiration among students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and society at large.

What are the benefits of ANRF ?

ANRF will have multiple benefits for India’s research and innovation ecosystem. Some of these are:

  • ANRF will boost India’s R&D spending and output, which will enhance its competitiveness and productivity in the global arena.
  • ANRF will enable India to address its socio-economic challenges such as poverty, health, education, energy, environment, climate change, etc. through scientific solutions and innovations.
  • ANRF will create new opportunities for collaboration and partnership among various stakeholders such as academia, industry, government, civil society, etc.
  • ANRF will generate new knowledge and technologies that will have spillover effects on other sectors and domains.
  • ANRF will inspire and empower the next generation of researchers and innovators who will shape India’s future.

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