Best Agrolife Leads with ‘Warden Extra’ in India

Best Agrolife Ltd (BAL) is the first Indian agrochemical company to indigenously manufacture ‘Warden Extra’, a revolutionary product that combines fungicide and insecticide properties. Warden Extra is expected to boost crop production by protecting plants from diseases and pests.

Warden Extra is a result of BAL’s innovative research and development efforts, which have received the approval from the Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIBRC). Warden Extra consists of three active ingredients: Trifloxystrobin, Thiamethoxam, and Thiophanate Methyl. These ingredients work together to prevent Damping off disease, a common fungal infection that causes seedlings to rot, and to control Leafhopper, Aphid, and Whitefly insects, which can damage crops by sucking sap and transmitting viruses.

Warden Extra is scheduled for a nationwide launch in April 2024 under the brand name Warden Extra. It is specially designed for soybean crops, which are one of the most important sources of protein and oil in India. According to BAL, Warden Extra can increase soybean yield by up to 25% by enhancing plant health and vigour.

BAL is a leading agrochemical manufacturer in India, with a portfolio of over 150 products, including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, and bio-fertilizers. BAL aims to provide farmers with affordable and effective solutions for crop protection and enhancement.



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