GeM Milestone: Defence Ministry’s Rs 1 Lakh Cr Orders

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has achieved a remarkable feat by surpassing the Rs 1 lakh crore mark in terms of total order value transacted through the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal. This is the first central government entity to cross this figure, demonstrating its commitment to optimise public spending and promote self-reliance in the defence sector.

What is GeM?

It is an online platform that facilitates procurement of goods and services by government organisations. It was launched in 2016 with the aim of enhancing transparency, efficiency and inclusiveness in public procurement. GeM offers a wide range of products and services, from general store items like eggs to missile systems and critical defence acquisitions.

How did MoD achieve this milestone?

According to a press release by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, MoD has executed more than 5.47 lakh orders through GeM since its inception. Of this, transactions worth around Rs 45,800 crore have been awarded in the current financial year alone, reflecting the platform’s effectiveness in expediting procurement processes and driving efficiency.

MoD has been an early adopter of GeM and has placed immense trust in the portal. Nearly 19,800 MoD buyers across the country, including remote far flung areas like north-eastern states, Leh-Ladakh and various island territories, have used GeM for their procurement needs. Further, the engagement of Defence PSUs on the GeM platform has not only facilitated procurement but has also facilitated sales, marking a paradigm shift in the procurement landscape.

How does GeM benefit MoD and MSEs?

One of the core values of GeM is to maximise social inclusion by empowering micro and small enterprises (MSEs) to participate in government procurement. MoD has awarded 50.7% of the total orders, amounting to Rs 60,593 crore, to MSEs by using GeM. This has helped drive India’s economy closer to self-reliance and supported the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

GeM also offers various initiatives like demand aggregation modules, which pool requirements for similar products across different organisations. This helps GeM deliver cost-effectiveness and efficiency in government transactions. By leveraging large-volume procurement, GeM enables MoD to save time and money while ensuring quality and compliance.


The milestone achieved by MoD on GeM is a testament to the platform’s potential to transform government procurement practices. By using GeM, MoD has not only optimised public spending in the defence sector but also promoted social inclusion and self-reliance in the economy.

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