Govt’s ‘Bharat’ Rice Now at ₹29/kg in Retail Market

Rice is one of the most consumed staple foods in India, especially in the eastern and southern regions. However, the prices of rice have been rising steadily in the last one year due to various factors such as lower production, higher demand, export restrictions and stock limits. According to the official data, the retail price of rice increased by 14.5 per cent and the wholesale price by 15.5 per cent between January 2023 and January 2024.

To address this issue, the government has decided to sell rice under the brand name ‘Bharat’ at ₹29 per kg in the retail market from next week. This is a subsidised rate as compared to the prevailing market prices of around ₹40-50 per kg for common varieties of rice. The government has allocated 5 lakh metric tonnes of rice for this purpose and has also asked traders and retailers to declare their stock of rice and paddy.

Bharat Rice: Features and Benefits

The Bharat Rice will be sold through three central cooperative agencies – National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED), National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF) and Kendriya Bhandar. The rice will be available in 5 kg and 10 kg bags and will be sold from mobile vans and physical outlets of these agencies. The government has also planned to make the Bharat Rice available through other retail chains, including e-commerce platforms, very soon.

The Bharat Rice is expected to benefit the consumers by providing them an affordable option of good quality rice. It will also help in stabilising the prices of rice in the market by increasing the supply and reducing the scope for speculation and hoarding. The government hopes that this initiative will ease the burden on the common man and ensure food security for all.

Challenges and Opportunities

The Bharat Rice initiative is a welcome step by the government to address the issue of rising prices of rice, which affects millions of people in India. However, there are some challenges and opportunities that need to be considered for its successful implementation and impact.

One of the challenges is to ensure adequate availability and distribution of Bharat Rice across the country, especially in remote and rural areas where access to retail outlets may be limited. The government will have to coordinate with state governments, local bodies, civil society organisations and other stakeholders to ensure smooth delivery of Bharat Rice to the intended beneficiaries.

Another challenge is to ensure quality control and consumer awareness of Bharat Rice. The government will have to monitor the quality of rice procured from FCI and ensure that it meets the standards prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The government will also have to create awareness among consumers about the features and benefits of Bharat Rice and encourage them to buy it from authorised outlets.

One of the opportunities is to leverage the Bharat Rice initiative to promote local production and consumption of rice varieties that are suitable for different agro-climatic zones and have high nutritional value. The government can support farmers to grow such varieties by providing them seeds, inputs, extension services and procurement facilities. The government can also promote consumer preference for such varieties by highlighting their health benefits and cultural significance.

Another opportunity is to use the Bharat Rice initiative as a platform for enhancing food security and nutrition security in India. The government can link Bharat Rice with other schemes such as Public Distribution System (PDS), Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and National Food Security Mission (NFSM) to provide subsidised rice to vulnerable sections of society such as poor, women, children, elderly and disabled. The government can also fortify Bharat Rice with micronutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin A and folic acid to address malnutrition among these groups.


The Bharat Rice initiative is a commendable effort by the government to provide relief to consumers from rising prices of rice and ensure food security for all. However, it requires effective implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback mechanisms to achieve its objectives and outcomes. The government should also explore ways to make Bharat Rice more sustainable, inclusive and nutritious in the long run.



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