“Jal Jeevan Mission: A Revolution in Rural Water Supply in India”

In a remarkable feat of progress and development, India’s Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has achieved a significant milestone. Since its inception in August 2019, the mission has successfully provided tap water connections to an astounding 13 crore rural households. This remarkable achievement has been a result of working with unparalleled ‘speed and scale’.

The Journey from 2019 to 2023

The journey of the Jal Jeevan Mission began on August 15, 2019, during India’s 73rd Independence Day celebrations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced this ambitious project from the historic Red Fort, setting in motion a nationwide campaign to revolutionize rural water access.

Achieving 100% Coverage in Several States

As of September 2023, six states – Goa, Telangana, Haryana, Gujarat, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh – along with three Union Territories and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, have achieved 100% coverage. This indicates that every household in these regions has access to tap water. Additionally, Bihar and Mizoram are on track to achieve near-total coverage soon.

Har Ghar Jal Certification

The ‘Har Ghar Jal’ certification is a testament to the program’s success, ensuring that villages in certified states and UTs have adequate, safe, and consistent water supply. This certification is a result of confirmations from Gram Sabhas, reflecting community approval and satisfaction.

Nationwide Impact

Across India, 145 districts and over 186,000 villages have reported complete tap water coverage. This transformation has been made possible through the collaborative efforts of State/UT governments, local communities, and development partners.

Rapid Progress and Infrastructure Development

Since January 2023, an average of 87,500 tap connections per day have been established. Uttar Pradesh leads in the current fiscal year with over 61 lakh new Functional Household Tap Connections. This pace of development illustrates the mission’s commitment to rapid progress.

Enhanced Access in Schools and Anganwadi Centres

Significant progress has also been made in schools and Anganwadi centres, with the majority now having access to tap water. This improvement in infrastructure marks a substantial leap in enhancing the quality of education and child care services.

Addressing the Challenge of Aspirational Districts

In the 112 aspirational districts, tap water access has increased from 7.86% to 66.48% since the mission’s start. This is a significant development in some of the nation’s most challenging areas.

Socioeconomic Benefits and Community Engagement

The mission has brought substantial socioeconomic benefits, particularly for women and young girls, by alleviating the burden of fetching water. Community involvement in planning, implementation, and maintenance is a key focus, ensuring long-term sustainability. Over 5.27 lakh Village Water & Sanitation Committees have been formed, playing a crucial role in this participatory approach.

Combating Water Contamination

At the outset, 22,016 habitations faced arsenic/fluoride contamination in their water sources. Now, all affected areas have access to safe drinking water, showcasing the mission’s commitment to addressing health and environmental challenges.

Aligning with Global Goals

Jal Jeevan Mission aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 6, aiming to provide safe and affordable water to all. Its approach embodies the motto ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas’, emphasizing inclusive and collaborative development.

The Jal Jeevan Mission represents a transformative step towards ensuring equitable and sustainable water access in rural India. Its success story is not just about infrastructure development but about changing lives and empowering communities. As India moves forward, the Jal Jeevan Mission stands as a beacon of hope and a model for sustainable development.



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