Wipro and Nutanix Join Forces for Hybrid Cloud Innovation

Wipro, a leading technology services and consulting company, has expanded its partnership with Nutanix, a leader in hybrid multicloud computing, to launch a new Nutanix-focused business unit. The new business unit will leverage the industry expertise of Wipro FullStride Cloud with Nutanix Cloud Platform to offer joint solutions for enterprises that want to enhance their agility, speed, and innovation in the hybrid multicloud era.

Market Opportunity

The hybrid cloud market is one of the fastest-growing segments in the cloud computing industry, as it offers the benefits of both private and public clouds, such as security, scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. According to Statista, the global hybrid cloud market was valued at USD 85 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 262 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.6%. The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth rate, driven by the increasing adoption of cloud services by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and government agencies.

Solution Offering

The new business unit will combine the industry expertise of Wipro FullStride Cloud with Nutanix Cloud Platform to offer joint solutions for enterprises that want to leverage the hybrid cloud market opportunity. The Nutanix Cloud Platform is a unified platform that enables enterprises to run their applications and data across private, public, and edge clouds with seamless mobility, security, and performance. The platform also supports modernized application and database platforms, hybrid end-user computing, AI computing, and edge modernization solutions.

The new business unit will also expand the go-to-market strategies of both companies and help mutual clients maximize the value of their Nutanix Cloud investments. The collaboration is aligned with Wipro’s broader strategy of driving growth through strategic partnerships and targeting the multi-billion-dollar market opportunity across cloud infrastructure, IT applications, edge, and AI computing.

Customer Benefits

The new business unit will help customers across every major industry deliver new experiences and innovations to their end users by harnessing the transformative capabilities of hybrid multicloud. Some of the benefits that customers can expect from the new business unit are:

  • Faster time to market: By using the Nutanix Cloud Platform, customers can accelerate their application development and deployment cycles, as well as scale their infrastructure on demand.
  • Competitive edge: By leveraging the industry expertise of Wipro FullStride Cloud, customers can gain access to best practices, insights, and innovations that can help them differentiate their products and services in the market.
  • Improved efficiency and security: By adopting a hybrid multicloud approach, customers can optimize their resource utilization, reduce their operational costs, and enhance their data protection and compliance.

Sustainability Impact

The new business unit will also contribute to the sustainability efforts of both companies by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint in data centers. According to Mordor Intelligence, hybrid cloud can help reduce energy consumption by up to 67% and carbon emissions by up to 30% compared to traditional data centers. The Nutanix Cloud Platform also enables customers to run their workloads on any cloud or hardware platform of their choice, reducing vendor lock-in and hardware waste.

Strategic Partnership

Wipro and Nutanix have been strategic partners since 2015 and have successfully delivered hybrid multicloud solutions to more than 300 customers across various sectors, such as banking, healthcare, consumer and retail. The launch of the new business unit is a testament to the strong relationship and mutual commitment of both companies to deliver value-added solutions to their customers.

Tarkan Maner, Chief Commercial Officer, Nutanix, said, “In the hybrid multicloud era, enterprises need a unified platform to securely and efficiently run their applications and data anywhere. We are partnering with Wipro to leverage our combined strengths and help large enterprises implement digital transformation strategies. Together, we aim to empower enterprises with intelligent cloud capabilities, maximizing the benefits of their technology investments. This includes faster time to market, a competitive edge, and improved efficiency and security.”

Jo Debecker, Senior Vice President, and Global Head of Wipro FullStride Cloud, Wipro Limited, said, “Wipro’s joint solutions, powered by Nutanix, will help clients across every major industry deliver new experiences and innovations to their end users. The dedicated business unit will play a pivotal role in harnessing the transformative capabilities of hybrid multicloud while also actively contributing to the sustainability efforts by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint in data centers.”

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