SUFALAM: A New Era for Food Processing Start-Ups

SUFALAM is a two-day event that aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and growth in the food processing sector. Organized by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) and the National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management-K (NIFTEM-K), the event brings together over 250 industry stakeholders, startups, MSMEs, financial institutions, venture capitalists, and academia.

What is SUFALAM?

SUFALAM stands for Start-Up Forum for Aspiring Leaders and Mentors. It is an annual event that was launched in 2024 to showcase the potential of the Indian food processing industry and to support startups and entrepreneurs in this domain. The event features four knowledge sessions, two pitching sessions, and an exhibition where 30 startups and 12 PM-FME beneficiaries display their products and technologies.

Why is SUFALAM important?

SUFALAM is important because it provides a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and mentoring among the food processing stakeholders. It also enables startups to leverage various government schemes and initiatives, such as the PM-FME scheme, the Start-Up India portal, and the Agri-Infra Fund. Moreover, SUFALAM highlights the government’s commitment to nurturing entrepreneurship and creating an enabling ecosystem for startups in the food processing sector.

What are the benefits

SUFALAM offers several benefits to the participants and the industry as a whole. Some of these benefits are:

  • It helps startups to connect with potential investors, partners, customers, and mentors.
  • It helps startups to showcase their innovations and solutions to a wider audience and gain feedback and validation.
  • It helps startups to access various resources and opportunities, such as funding, technology transfer, market linkages, and regulatory guidance.
  • It helps startups to learn from the best practices and experiences of industry leaders and experts.
  • It helps startups to contribute to the national goals of doubling farmers’ income, increasing exports, enhancing food security, and creating employment.

How to participate in SUFALAM?

To participate in SUFALAM, one has to register on the Start-Up India portal ( and fill up an online application form. The applications are screened by a committee of experts from MoFPI, NIFTEM-K, FICCI, and other partners. The selected startups are invited to attend the event and present their ideas or products in the pitching sessions or the exhibition.

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